Participate in the Workplace bullying im Australia
If you have experience with workplace bullying, you are invited to participate in a survey being conducted as part of research into workplace bullying in
S. Zeman, a Doctor of Business Administration candidate at the Southern Cross University, is conducting the research as part of her doctoral studies, under the supervision of Dr L. Gribble.
The research aims to examine bullying in the Australian workforce and the importance of the three known antecedents of workplace bullying in creating a workplace where bullying occurs.
It also looks at their interaction and aims to identify organisational strategies adressing the three antecedents of bullying, taking into account their relative importance.
It is expected that these strategies will range from policies on recruitment, training, proper work design and work environment, leadership behaviour, to explicitly promoting anti-bullying and support for targets of bullying.
The survey should take a maximum of 20 minutes to complete.
Important demographic information will be collected but at no time will your identity be asked.
Participation is purely voluntary and no financial remuneration or incentive will be offered for taking part in the research.
Completing the survey is considered informed consent to participate and you are free to discontinue your participation at any time.
To access and fill in the questionnaire, please click on this link
The questionnaire will be open until 23 June 2009. If you experience any technical problems with the questionnaire, please contact Slava on
Research results will be made available at the Southern Cross University Library at a later stage.
Should you wish to obtain a summary version of the results, and information about the papers used in drafting this article, please complete the details at the end of the questionnaire and these will be forwarded to you.
Thanks for posting this up.